Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The University of Victoria recognizes the importance of an inclusive and collegial culture in the academic environment, and supports the building of a more equitable and inclusive campus. Dr. Storey's group actively promotes equity, diversity and inclusion, which has long-term effects on research, education and industry.
As part of Dr. Storey's continual focus on EDI in her research and teaching, she ensures that her lab and classrooms are a safe and inclusive environment where people are comfortable to learn and grow. She works hard to recruit and encourage students from all backgrounds and abilities: her lab is a rainbow of ethnicities, religions, orientations, and gender identifications. And over the years, she has at times had >50% women in her group: in 2012 and 2014, her students were awarded the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship.
Dr. Storey organized the first two Software Development Diversity and Inclusion workshops hosted by Google in 2019 and 2020, and in 2020 she co-founded the Linux Foundation Diversity and Inclusion Project that partners software companies and universities. Dr. Storey founded the Slack group for women researchers in software engineering, with >180 members, and she created and curates the Software Engineering Women in Research (Sewire) map, which locates approximately 400 women software engineering researchers worldwide. She was the editor of a special issue of IEEE Software on diversity and inclusion in 2020.
Dr. Storey has held several leadership roles focused on EDI:
- Inge Strauch Visiting Professor, University of Zurich, 2020. To promote diversity and as a role model, to be taken up in 2023.
- Lise Meitner Guest Professorship, Lund University, Sweden, 2016-2018. To Mentor and Enhance Women in Science and Engineering.