Our research team from the University of Victoria in Canada is interested in which tools and media software developers use to support their software development activities. So, we are seeking a broad sample of software developers with diverse backgrounds and varied development needs to answer a survey! The results will be openly published so everyone can benefit from them, but we will anonymize everything before doing so.
Here's a link to the survey: http://leif.me/devsurvey/?source=chpThe survey should take about 10 minutes. If you are a software developer or a developer in training, we would greatly appreciate your input -- it could help us understand how modern developers work and in turn might help us shape new tools that support developers. We will handle your response confidentially. This is a purely academic study.
Thanks a lot in advance! We’d appreciate any help with distributing our survey -- if you feel like tweeting about it or sharing the link with friends or colleagues, please do!
Margaret-Anne Storey, Leif Singer, Brendan Cleary and Alexey Zagalsky from the University of Victoria in Canada.